These two seemingly unrelated subjects have become relevant due mostly to the fact that they have both become possible by the actions of the forth estate. The media has covered the actions of the antifreedom movement and worshiped at the altar of communism. They are responsible for the suppression of free speech and supporting the spread of mob rule. What they don't understand is the depth of the precipice they now stare into. For the first time in the history of our country, the abyss is staring back, silently. If this behavior continues, Clinton's rules will be applied.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
It's still a bit early to do something for the common person, but for the authorities, they are sorely lacking in their response to these actions. The best thing that can come of action is that one of the groups continues to hate them. Inaction on the part of law enforcement pretty much guarantees hatred from both sides. That is the worst of all possibilities for law enforcement. Alienating the people that do pay taxes, put out blue lights on their porches and lend support to officers without question is a horrible choice. If that grass roots support stops, I'm not sure what the extent of the fallout will be. We've had 6 officers shot this weekend and not much publicity or angst over it among the regular citizen. I'm afraid the slide has begun. The mistrust and hatred the common man has for the feds could become shouldered by local law enforcement.
The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.
Edmund Burke County Meeting of Buckinghamshire (1784)
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
The youth and counter culture of today are fighting logic and morality at an unforgiving rate. By the end of the decade, we may be in a shooting war with our countrymen and women. Who do you think would benefit from that? A distracted and frightened populace will clamor for protection and freely give up liberty to stop the killing. It's just a matter of time at this point. As Matt Bracken has said so harshly, we are a single mag dump away from a civil war. Had it happened at Charlottesville, This might be a very different post.
As far as the Trump Presidency goes, I had hoped that he might have gotten some traction and actually done a 10th of what was promised. Nope, not even close. He is mired in his poor choices for cabinet and can't make anything happen while the right and left in office oppose him. I pretty much expected such, but was cautiously optimistic. If they remove him from office, all bets are off. I cannot guess at the outcome. Consider what would have happened if they removed Obama and add in trillions of rounds of ammo and millions of guns that the obama supporters didn't have. Your guess is as good as mine.
It's time to pick up your training tempo and consider your options for best defense if you are caught out in a riot. Might even be good camo to have a black hat and scarf in your vehicle to blend in and evade the opposition. There are so many options and strategies out there that we need to consider them all when things get dire. It's high time to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Most importantly, stay off the enemies' radar. Lives have been ruined by misidentified protestors and death threats have been levied.